Pieces of My Life

Posts Tagged ‘fashion

went to see “Did You Hear about the Morgans?” with Mary today… such a funny movie!! loved it… gosh i love any movie Hugh Grant is in… then went shopping… thought Towers was too small and drove to Rouse Hill to do more shopping… lots more clothes at Rouse Hill Target!! bought a dress and a top for work… and finally used my JB Hi-Fi Gift Card as all DVDs were 20% off on the already discounted price… so bought 3rd Season of 30 Rock…prob spent about $100 today… oh well… i’m earning enough… need to reward myself with new clothes!!

Today's Adventure...

i really like hot pink and black… such easy combination…

Hot Pink and Black

Hot Pink and Black

As true to my word… i said i wanted to go shopping today… ended up getting a new knitwear poncho very nice!! also got a new pair of shoes!!

Spending Spree!!

Spending Spree!!

needed new headbands for my short hair yesterday… so i bought thin headbands that i always wanted… just black and white…

Thin Headbands -- Black n White

Thin Headbands -- Black n White