Pieces of My Life

Posts Tagged ‘Bedroom

Long time no blog again… I have finally finished my TAX module of CA today! Gosh that exam was hard… i really hope I passed… cos I thought that was a hard module… maybe even harder than FIN… *fingers crossed*

Oh well… there’s nothing I can do now… either I passed or failed… but I took Term 3 off from study so I could take a break. During this time, I have come up with Operation Unclutter. My room is an absolute mess and my goal for the next few months (depending how long it takes), is to finally give up my slight hoarding habit, and be ruthless! Seriously… I know I have stuff in here which I haven’t seen, let alone touched in at least 5 years!

I still have some high school stuff! Really need a massive clean out/up!

To show my progress, I will be documenting this with photos on the progress each day. I know I’ll probably feel anxious doing this, and I have a hard time letting things go, but I will try my best!

So here is the starting point, my room/disaster begins like this:

Desk 1

Desk 1 - Another Angle

Clothes Rack

Desk 2

Book Shelf Corner

Side Bookshelves

Bedside Bookshelf

Now you can see why it is so bad… I just have so much crap that I have to clean out… Plan to start tomorrow, so that makes this Day 0, planning stage… Which should I tackle first?